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From Where it All Started


    Whether it was a day trip to amusement parks or a weekend vacation to State Parks, road vacations have always been essential to me throughout my life. Many trips have been an early morning drive to Disneyland or a month-long excursion dragging our RV through as many States we could; we were always up for an adventure. My parents' passion for traveling is how I hope my kids will have the same gratitude I did when I was in the RV. 

Our RV with my Dad Smiling

   When I travel now, I love the idea of driving. I've gotten so comfortable If I have to move across the country, I wouldn't have any problems. Over the past ten years, I've discovered the whole united states, including Hawaii and Alaska. Indeed it is fantastic to say you've been to all 50 states. However, if my parents had not done this, we siblings may not be as close, so I appreciate it so much. Alaska was the trip I prize. We left the summer of 5th grade in the RV heading North West. We lived in Illinois and drove through Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, and Vancouver. There we went to the port in Vancouver to go on a cruise ship going to Alaska.


Disney Wonders Cruise Ship

   On the cruise ship, we saw many things to Glaciers, Seals, Humpback Whales, Dolphins riding the boat waves, and beautiful sunrises and sunsets. My favorite view has to be the wall of ice that we saw on the first days of our journey. We stopped at many ports in Alaska to see Wildlife like Black bears, Glacier Bears, Balded Eagles, and Salmon jumping out of waterfalls. It was so cold we wore winter jackets and jeans everywhere we went. We even bought lovely Winter Fur Hats for the occasion!

Glaciers and Wall of Ice w/ Mountains

    As we head back from our trip towards temperatures I prefer, one reoccurring theme continues to outlast all of the cure balls life can throw at us, and road trips will always be of utmost importance to our family: especially if there is a new place that we haven't touched.




  1. The Disney Cruise is amazing I went when I was younger and loved it. Traveling is something that my family likes to do too. It makes a lot of good memories which seems like that's what you and your family does as well.


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