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Showing posts from August, 2021

From Where it All Started

           Whether it was a day trip to amusement parks or a weekend vacation to State Parks, road vacations have always been essential to me throughout my life. Many trips have been an early morning drive to Disneyland or a month-long excursion dragging our RV through as many States we could; we were always up for an adventure. My parents' passion for traveling is how I hope my kids will have the same gratitude I did when I was in the RV.  Our RV with my Dad Smiling     When I travel now, I love the idea of driving. I've gotten so comfortable If I have to move across the country, I wouldn't have any problems. Over the past ten years, I've discovered the whole united states, including Hawaii and Alaska. Indeed it is fantastic to say you've been to all 50 states. However, if my parents had not done this, we siblings may not be as close, so I appreciate it so much. Alaska was the trip I prize. We left the summer of 5th grade in the RV heading North West. We lived in I